Saturday, November 20, 2004

MD's or Quacks

I often wonder how some people get their medical licenses. For a week prior to my going into the hospital on 10/22 (inpatient), I was being treated for what they decided was “Cellulitis” with antibiotics. I was not responding to these oral antibiotics, and the swelling in my right leg gained monstrous proportions, not only that – but it had spread up my right side, and included swelling in the right side of my arm, shoulder, and even face.

On 10/22, I was feeling so lousy, I called my “Doctor” to get an emergency appointment to see her. Her response was “I’m too busy, go to the ER if you think it’s that bad.” She did not deliver that message herself, Doctors do not talk to patients on the phone. It came through one of her secretaries by way of “She’s booked, if it’s that bad, she suggests going to the ER.”

I went to the ER. They took me into a room, and within 5 minutes had me signing papers to tell me that I was being admitted. I think that’s the fastest I’ve EVER been admitted to a hospital.

Three days later, the IV antibiotics are finally starting to work. The swelling has gone down quite a bit. They had to use a catheter to get the urinary tract working again. That was a blast and a half for someone who has suffered the kinds of sexual abuse and rapes that I have, let me tell you! They send me home with a week’s supply of Keflex to finish off the rest of the infection and to see my primary care MD for follow-up.

I happened to have had a follow-up appointment the next day with my primary MD for the next day for another problem anyhow, so I just kept that appointment. It totally amazed me that she did not ask nor report about any blood work or urinary tests that were or were not done in the hospital regarding the now “alleged” cellulitis”.

She said “See you in a week.” That was the extent of our visit. She looked at the leg, told me my feet were very dry. Well, yea, I have a problem with dry feet, always have. Whoopie, that’s not news to me. This isn’t what I’m here to see you for Doctor. She orders a “compression stocking” for my leg, tells me that I need to keep my foot up, and sends me on my way.

I end up having to cancel the appointment for the following week for two reasons. One, the compression stocking isn’t in yet, and I want to have it before I see her again, and two, I had a conflicting appointment that I needed to attend.

So, I see her again two weeks later, the leg is STILL badly swollen, I’m not responding to the oral antibiotics at all, the swelling is WORSE than it was when I left the hospital, and not only that, but now it is in both legs, and working its way upwards. Her response? “When would you like to see me again? One week? Two Weeks?” Said rather snottily, as if I needed to do her appointment scheduling for her, and knew what she wanted. I said One week, because this wasn’t getting better, it was getting worse.
One week later, lo, she again – complains about my dry feet.. and still does not order any blood work or urine tests to see if ANYTHING else could be the cause/problem. I then, decide to ask HER for the tests. Who’s the friggin’ doctor here? Her? Or ME?

I had the blood work done, I have a follow-up appointment. It’s too early for the results to be in. I ask her a question. “I want Dr. Maude to look at your leg, and see if he has any other ideas.” Dr. Maude, is semi-retired, and only comes into the office once a week. I was trying to get away from him as my Primary Care Physician, BECAUSE he was semi retired, and I could ONLY see him on ONE day out of the week… I had asked her to re-write my scripts for the month.. and she said no, Dr. Maude would the next day. So basically, she doesn’t want to see me anymore. Guess what? I don’t want to see them anymore either. I’m done with incompetent doctors, who can’t handle a patient who knows a little bit, and just enough to ask questions, and care about what’s happening.

She also tried to tell me that this is going to be how my legs were going to be for the rest of my life, basically because I’m getting older, I’m fat, and I believe she tried to imply that I was lazy. I may be mistaken, but I really don’t think so. She doesn’t think that I follow her rules – of keeping my leg up when it needs to be up – YES it IS up RIGHT NOW. It has been up all along through this long diatribe. It’s aching like hell but it’s still up!

So, with the aid of the NYS Department of Health’s Search page, I went looking for a new General Practitioner, but then, was given a lead from my Therapist. I called, they accept Medicare and Medicaid, so I went, and saw their RPA. What a wonderful woman she is. I’ll be going there from now on, thanks to my Therapist! I spent about 45 minutes giving the RPA a lengthy medical history as best as I could. Signed release papers so they could get information about the current issues, and she even re-wrote my medication prescriptions for me!

I’ve got an appointment on the 24th for an ultrasound of my abdomen which is very tender to poking (surprise!). Armed with the results of the blood and urine tests, and that ultrasound, we’ll go from there. I’m on Augmentin for an antibiotic.. so we’ll see.

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